Thursday, March 11, 2010

public interface banking
public void withdraw();
public void deposit();
public void balanceCheck();
public class saving implements banking
System.out.println("\nConstructor has been executed\n");
// If implementing banking, must have these three listed:
public void withdraw()     {
System.out.println("Saving withdraw    \n");  }
public void deposit()      {
System.out.println("Saving deposit     \n");  }
public void balanceCheck() {
System.out.println("Saving balanceCheck\n"); }

Functions: Class, Instance and Constructor
public class testparent
public static void main(String[] args)
parent.hello();                     // 3. class function
parent p1 = new parent();           // 1. constructor function
p1.display();                       // 2. instance function
parent p2 = new parent("ALICE");    // 1. overload constructor function
p2.display();                       // 2. instance function
p1.display();                       // 2. instance function
} => super class
public class parent
  // Data Members --------------------------------------------------------------
String name;          // 1. instance variable go to each instance created
static int total = 0; // 2. class variable shared by all

// Function Members -------------------------------------------------------- 
     // 1. Constructor Functions
parent()                //parent p1 = new parent(); has same name
name = " ";
parent(String n)        //parent p2 = new parent("some string"); w/arguments
{                     //this is an overload construction function
name = n;
total ++;
     // 2. Instance Function
public void display()
System.out.printf("TOTAL %d NAME: %s \n", total, name );

     // 3. Class Function
static public void hello()


import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;

public class MyBorder4 extends JFrame  // always has 2 parts
// data members - these are instances of the button class

JButton n = new JButton("Minnesota" );
JButton s = new JButton("Georgia"   );
JButton e = new JButton("Virginia"  );
JButton w = new JButton("Oregon"    );
JButton c = new JButton("Kansas"    );

// method members

// Default constructor : 3 steps
public MyBorder4()
// 1. Create a canvas (named c1)
Container c1 = getContentPane();

// 2. Set layout with 5 regions with horizontal gap 5 
//    and vertical 10
c1.setLayout(new BorderLayout(5,10));

// 3. place button objects on canvas
c1.add(e, BorderLayout.EAST  );
c1.add(w, BorderLayout.WEST  );
c1.add(s, BorderLayout.SOUTH );
c1.add(n, BorderLayout.NORTH );
c1.add(c, BorderLayout.CENTER);
// Main method

public static void main(String[] args)
MyBorder4 frame1 = new MyBorder4();
frame1.setTitle("Lynn Tobias' Border Layout");